
SENCOs said:

“Speech and language therapy provides the bedrock of inclusive practice supporting the faculty of learning with effective strategies to raise achievement and attainment for students with SEN in our school” (Sophie McElroy, City Academy)

‘The speech and language therapists have provided our school with an invaluable service this year.  They have worked relentlessly with great patience, calm and professionalism to support students and staff around speech and language issues.  They work in whole class contexts, team teaching, planning and observing.  They also train and mentor teachers and TAs to lead groups and work with individuals, as well as working with students themselves in a variety of different contexts.  Their expertise has also had a great impact in meetings and annual reviews, underpinning our practice and advice on students’ progress.  I rely on the SALT’s views and knowledge every single day at work and look forward to our continued collaboration.’

Parents who attended the Talk and Play with Me Group (Pre-schoolers) said:

‘The sessions really helped my child in the way he communicates and knows different things, also play with different toys.’

‘It’s helped me understand how to sit back and has helped him play with me more. Also has helped me understand how to communicate better with him.’

‘I am shown how me and my daughter play and communicate by videoing us. It shows where I am going wrong or right. I have been given brilliant advice and support.’

‘I liked the use of video and the SLT encouragement for me to use communication strategies’

‘I really enjoyed having the time to focus just on my son and realised that I haven’t really done it enough. My son really enjoyed the variety of activities that were on offer each week.’

Secondary school aged students said:

“(I liked that) I’ve learnt new words”; “(I liked that the group) was active, fun, we learn”

“I’ve learnt giving more detailed answers” (Year 7 student)

“I’ve learnt to listen to instructions” (Yr 7 student)

“In speech and language therapy you express your opinions to others” (Yr 9 student)

“In speech and language therapy you’ll learn how to communicate with others, play little games, interact and make more friends” (Yr 9 student)

A school teacher said:

‘Having another professional in the classroom is of massive benefit to all pupils, not just those on your case-load’


Here are some videos of parents and professionals talking about our service: