
The Children’s Integrated Speech and Language Therapy Service for Hackney and The City have built up one of the most dynamic and respected services in the country. Together we work as a cohesive service to provide speech, language communication support for all children and young people in Hackney and The City of London.

Our greatest achievement is the work that we do on a daily basis supporting the children, young people and their families within our care. As a result of the high quality work that we do a number of publications, awards and presentations have made it into the public domain.

We are striving to develop an in-depth and holistic understanding of all cultures within Hackney SaLT to ensure our practice is supportive and inclusive in terms of race, gender identity, sexual orientation and religion, informed by families and young people themselves.

Our collaborative approach is family-led, family-centred and evidence-based and we understand the importance of fostering and supporting a workforce that represents the community that we serve.

Our Values:

Empowering children, young people and families to communicate for themselves in the way that suits them.

Respecting the individual and cultural differences of our clients.

Responding to the specific needs of the families we work with.

Being open, listening and respecting others’ opinions and priorities.

The best way to keep up to date with the achievements and work of our team is to follow us on X @hackneytalk or Instagram

Role Models

Learn how role models like Greta Thunberg, George Webster and Will.i.am succeed in life with their own communication needs.

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