Having a means of communication is a fundamental human right. We therefore work to promote the speech, language and communications skills of all children and young people in Hackney and The City. We believe in supporting each child or young person to reach their unique communication potential.
We enhance the speech, language, and communication skills of children and young people in the following three ways:
- Raising awareness of language and communication amongst all those who interact with children and young people
- Equipping parents and the children’s workforce to support the speech, language and communication development of those in their care
- Offering a comprehensive range of evidence based services to children and young people with identified speech, language and communication needs.
A key strength of the service is that these three elements interact to create a system that is high quality, cost-effective and responsive to children and young people’s needs.
We have a key role in supporting children and young people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties. Our specialist team work closely with children and young people with identified difficulties, their families and carers to ensure their safety and to maximise their skills when eating and drinking.
As speech, language, communication, eating and drinking all develop within a social context, the service believes strongly in partnership with families and the team around the child.