Paper Plates Memory Game


This game is a variation of pair matching and is designed to build vocabulary. Draw shapes, animals or other items of interest for your child on the plates, making sure you have two of each item – you could get your child to draw the shapes with you. If you prefer you could use some of the example pictures and stick them on the inside of the plates (click on the above PDF to download the pictures).

What you need

12- 20 Paper Plates

How to play

For early years:
Turn over the plates so the pictures are not showing.
Takes turns to choose two plates and see if you get a pair.
Once a pair is found, label the object together, make the sound of the animal or transport and maybe sing a song together, related to the image found.

For primary school:
Turn over the plates so the pictures are not showing.
Takes turns to choose two plates and see if you get a pair.
Once a pair is found, talk about the last time you saw the item, see if you can find one around the house or make up a sentence or short story related to the picture found.

For secondary school:
This activity can be used as a revision technique with key words written on the plates (with or without a picture). Or you can play a word construction game by writing a letter on the plates instead of a picture. Pick 5-6 letters at random and see how many words you can generate. You can do this alone or with others.

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