Making a referral

The Children’s Integrated Speech and Language Therapy Service for Hackney and The City is a provider service. We support children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and/or eating, drinking and swallowing needs (dysphagia). There are several routes into our service:

Children under 5 years old (not yet in full time school)

If you are concerned about a child, complete our SaLT Referral form and email it to us at .  The parent/carer and the child will be invited to attend a CATCH clinic (appointment only) run by the Speech and Language Therapy Service.  The CATCH clinic is a play based session for children who are under 5 years old, who are not yet in fulltime school. 

Children and Young People aged 5 years and over (or in full time school)

All primary schools maintained by Hackney Education receive speech and language therapy from our service. Some secondary schools and colleges choose to buy-in services from us.

A named Speech and Language Therapist (a link therapist) visits the school regularly getting to know the school and the children. The amount varies according to the size and needs of the school. To refer a child, over the age of 5, who attends a Hackney educational setting, speak with the school SENCO or school Link Speech and Language Therapist. Alternatively, complete this SaLT Referral form and return it to or post it to:

Children’s Integrated Speech and Language Therapy Service for Hackney and the City, 3rd Floor, 6 Orsman Road, London, N1 5QJ

Children and young people who attend independent schools

We offer a clinic based service for children over 5, who live in Hackney and who are not attending school or who may attend an independent school. We accept referrals from families and professionals (use the form above). Children and young people are offered an assessment session, including a report and suggestions for families and settings to implement. Dependent on need, some children and young people will be offered some therapy input.

Children and young people who need more than one service

You can refer children and young people to more than one service using the this Multi-Agency Referral form.

Role Models

Learn how role models like Greta Thunberg, George Webster and succeed in life with their own communication needs.

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