Secondary School Intervention Groups

Current Groups:

Understanding Feelings

Confidence in Conversations

Spring/Summer Groups:

KS3 Interact

DLD & Me

Spring/Summer Groups:

Year 11 Transition

Preparation for Work

These interventions are intended for schools who do not currently access our Speech and Language Therapy service through Hackney Education/Homerton University Hospital. If you already access our service please contact your link therapist to discuss.

Understanding Feelings

This is a six week group for Secondary aged students to improve their knowledge of emotional vocabulary. It includes supporting young people to recognise, label and describe emotions, build confidence in speaking about feelings and triggers, as well as introducing basic knowledge of the Zones of Regulation programme. Giving young people the words and tools to describe emotions can help them to express their feelings, get their needs met more effectively and learn strategies to regulate their emotional state.

The group includes:

  • six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
  • strategies to take away and practise
  • an end of intervention summary report summarising how each young person performed against the group targets


Dates and Times


Young person needs to:

  • be in secondary school (Year 8 or Year 9)
  • have difficulties understanding or using language
    and/or difficulties with social interaction
  • be able to attend to a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Autumn Term Dates:

Wednesday 10th November at 11.30am
Wednesday 17th November at 11.30am
Wednesday 24nd November at 11.30am
Wednesday 1st December at 11.30am
Wednesday 8th December at 11.30am
Wednesday 15th December at 11.30am

For pricing and availability information please contact us

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Confidence in Conversations

This is a six week group for Key Stage 4 secondary aged or post-16 students that would benefit from building their skills and confidence in having conversations. It breaks down the skills required to have a successful conversation, alongside asking relevant questions, talking about shared interests, sharing opinions and managing difficult talking situations. The sessions provide opportunities to practise skills through structured discussions and group activities.

The group includes:

  • six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
  • strategies to take away and practice
  • an end of intervention summary report summarising how each young person performed against the group targets


Dates and Times


Young person needs to:

  • be in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)
  • have difficulties with social interaction skills
  • be able to attend to a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Autumn Term Dates:

Wednesday 10th November at 1.30pm
Wednesday 17th November at 1.30pm
Wednesday 24nd November at 1.30pm
Wednesday 1st December at 1.30pm
Wednesday 8th December at 1.30pm
Wednesday 15th December at 1.30pm

For pricing and availability information please contact us

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DLD & Me

This is a 12 week programme to help children and young people with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) understand their strengths and needs, their diagnosis and how they can advocate for their own communication in everyday life. It focuses on building confidence in their strengths, understanding what helps, how to share this information with others and works towards developing independence for the future. The group context also supports children and young people to know they are not alone with the difficulties they experience. 

This group includes:

  • 12 weekly sessions delivered by a Speech and Language Therapist
  • an introductory session for parents
  • follow up activities to be completed at school or at home
  • an end of intervention summary report which details how the young person performed against the group targets


Dates and Times


Young people need to:

  • be in Key Stage 3 and 4 (Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11)
  • have already received a diagnosis of ‘Developmental Language Disorder’
  • have already had their diagnosis discussed with parents
  • be able to attend to a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022

For pricing and availability information please contact us

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KS3 Interact: Developing Social Interaction Skills

Interact is group that helps young people develop their social interaction skills. The aim of the group is for students to meet like-minded peers from other schools and develop their conversation skills so that they feel more confident when interacting with peers.

This group includes:

  • six weekly sessions delivered by a Speech and Language Therapist
  • strategies to take away and practice
  • an end of intervention summary report summarising how the young person performed against the group targets.


Dates and Times


Young people need to:

  • be in Key stage 3 (Year 7, 8, 9)
  • have a diagnosis of Autism or difficulties with social interaction skills
  • have age appropriate language skills or with mild difficulties
  • be able to attend a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022

For pricing and availability information please contact us

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Y11 transition

This is a 6 week group for Year 11 students transitioning from secondary school to a post-16 setting.

The sessions give students the opportunity to prepare for the differences between school and college, travelling independently, organising their time, problem-solving college-related issues and making friends.

In the final session, young people can make a communication profile to share important information about themselves and what helps them with staff members in their new setting.

The group includes:

  • six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
  • strategies to take away and practice
  • an end of intervention summary report summarising how each young person performed against the group targets


Dates and Times


Young person needs to:

  • have difficulties understanding or using language and/or difficulties with social interaction
  • be able to attend a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022

For pricing and availability information please contact us

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Preparation for work

This is a 6 week group for Year 11 and post-16 students to develop vocabulary to describe their personal qualities, attributes and skills, how to present themselves in the best way in interviews, answering interview questions, expectations of the work-place, problem-solving issues that could arise and consideration of emotional regulation strategies to support this big and often nerve-wracking step into adult life!

The group includes:

  • six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
  • strategies to take away and practice
  • an end of intervention summary report summarising how each young person performed against the group targets


Dates and Times


Young person needs to:

  • be in Year 11 or Post-16
  • have difficulties understanding or using language and/or difficulties with social interaction
  • be able to attend a video session for up to 45 minutes
  • have an adult to be present during the session, providing support when needed

Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022

For pricing and availability information please contact us

Contact Us

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